Endüstriyel Enerji offers environmentally responsible and sustainable solutions that won’t limit your operations.
How Can We Help?
- Energy consumption: Assessment, identification of key performance indicators, data analysis andtargeting
- Furnaces, kilns and mills: Material and energy balance, identification of energy looses and optimization offers
- Compressed air systems: Efficiency evaluation, identification of leakages and technological upgrade opportunity
- Cooling towers: Performance evaluationand technological upgrade opportunity
- Pump systems Performance evaluation and technological upgrade opportunity
- Fans&blowers: Performance evaluation and technological upgrade opportunity
- Electrical motors and drivers: Efficiency evaluation and technological upgrade opportunity
- Lighting systems: Efficiency evaluation and technological upgrade opportunity
- Process control systems: Performance evaluation and technological upgrade opportunity
- Electrical power distribution systems: Performance evaluation and identification of power distribution breakdown
- Tariff analysis: Utilizationand demand management
- Waste heat: Identification of source, recovery opportunity and identification of optimum technology
- Energy management: Performance evaluation
- Identification of energy conservation measures and savings
- On-site power generation: Renewable energy systems (solar, wind, heat pump) andwaste heat potential (cogeneration, pressure reduction, ORC)
- Water consumption: Assessment and identification of water conservation measures
- Process optimization
- Audit reports
- Energy Efficiency Increasing Projects (VAP) preparation accordingly Energy Efficiency Law
- Consultancy on energy efficiency financing support
ISO 50001 Energy Management System Implementation
- Assessment of current energy management strategies
- Road map determination for ISO 50001 Energy Management System implementation