Energy Audits

Why your company/building should carry an energy audit?

Establishing robust energy management system is a key strategy to control energy consumption of industrial facilities. Undertaking an energy audit comes in first place to define a strategy for setting up this system in the light of identification of energy usage practices and energy efficiency improvement opportunities. Energy audit findings can help energy cost reductions  as well as effective management opportunities to reduce environmental footprint. Overall achievements are both environmental and financial sustainability for your business.

Energy Efficiency in Industry

We focus on energy intensive industries such as glass, cement, iron and steel, pulp and paper, petrochemicals, construction materials and plastics as well as small and medium enterprises and develop energy efficiency projects. Studies are carried with on site measurements that we perform according to international measurement and verification standards and described in energy audit reports with all technical issues associated with potential energy improvements including estimated energy and cost savings.

More about industrial solutions

Which industrial facilities under mandate to undertake energy audit?

Industrial facilities with energy consumption of 5.000 TOE and above yearly are mandated to conduct energy audit from 2015 and renew every four years afterwards according to Turkish Energy Efficiency Law.

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